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You can't choose your family but ...


He said something rather uncomplimentary about my sister and that I needed to find a more difficult test.

I'm sorry about the glass and I know you said it was fine but I will replace it. I don't believe for one second that it was an accident although I think it was less about breaking your glassware and more about drawing attention.

As you witnessed, my sister is rather single-minded. When it was obvious that the Dashing Major was not seduced by her charms then she set about trashing my reputation or at least making insinuating little remarks that might lead people to think less of me.

It's an old trick but it has often worked for her. No smoke without fire and all that b******s.

Thankfully it all seemed to fall on deaf ears. She is an intelligent person so did realise that she was in danger of painting herself in an unfavourable light if she continued. After that she simply tried to be the most popular girl there. The belle of the ball as it were and in spite of the fact that it was a party to celebrate Gretel Lederhosen.

To a degree that did seem to work. She can be entertaining and witty and charming. And your friends are all so welcoming I think they were just glad that the mean girl persona had gone and Luscious Lydia had transformed into the fun girl.

So it was with some satisfaction that she held court with a few of your friends in the corner and regaled them with tales of ... whatever. And they seemed to be warming to her until she just couldn't help herself. I heard my name a few times and sadly I suspected that I was now being included in the tales but not in a way that would be favourable. To me anyway.

Jeremy the Batchelor had gone from concerned, to relaxed, to concerned again. Obviously by this stage he was aware of our friendship and how highly you regard me. And of course he had brought her to the party. I'm not blaming him by the way. My sister is more my responsibility than his but I do rather think he was beating himself up about her behaviour.

He had approached her and made noises about leaving. Luscious Lydia was not pleased with this and promptly told him so. A few people around her could sense trouble brewing so they made excuses and went to get food or drinks. I couldn't leave him to deal with her alone so I decided that the time had come for us to have a little chat.

It was a very warm evening so I persuaded her that we perhaps needed to talk out on the balcony.

I was going to start with a sisterly chat and a catch up. Obviously there had been the breakup that she had come back to New York to sort out and the parents would have told me about. I didn't need to let on that I knew far more about it from you.

But it seems that my sister was not up for that. No. She wanted to let me know in no uncertain terms how much and how often I had ruined her life. No specifics. She had finally started to get over the break up of her relationship, which had failed through no fault of her own, and she thought she might be moving on when I turn up and ruin everything. No examples given on how exactly I'd done that. And didn't I realise just how hurtful it was of me to flaunt my boyfriend in front of her when she had so recently been betrayed by the love of her life. Didn't I think about her and her feelings and didn't I care.

I think there may be a little of the Mother-ship in me because before she could turn on the tears I called her out and told her not to bother. I didn't tell her how I knew but I let her know how much of the detail I knew of her recently ended relationship and her part in it. I also pointed out that the apartment we were in belonged to my friend and she was merely a guest. So she either behaved like a well-mannered guest or she got the hell out of there.

And trying to seduce my boyfriend and trash me to the friends of my friend was not the behaviour of a well-mannered guest.

How dare I. She was about to start shouting and I know that I shouldn't have but there was that move you showed me. So I pushed her against the wall and held her there. She was shocked but I was angry now. So I'm afraid there were a few things that I had bottled up inside that came out. A few home truths she did not want to hear but had no alternative.

And then I asked her to leave the party and not to embarrass me any further. This was a night to celebrate Gretel Lederhosen and I would not let her ruin it or turn it into being all about her. Which was effectively the same thing - well to me anyway.

I was glad you were watching and intercepted us as we came inside. And thank you for what you said to her too because I don't think she listens to me and you telling her how much she was out of line may well have hit home. I can only hope. And then there was Jeremy the Batchelor with the retrieved phones and apologies and off they went.

And when she had gone it was as if something had been switched on - or perhaps off - and the party took off. There was laughing and music and dancing and hugs. I think I must have been hugged by everyone. Even the lovely catering manager came over and hugged me and told me not to worry. You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends. And I obviously had some very good friends.

And I think he is right. I have some very good friends and a few more now too.


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