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Vacation - over


Pops was sorry that we couldn't take you up on dinner. The trip's been a bit full on so couldn't quite seem to fit it in.

We finished it off with me showing him the place I've bought. Update on that is I should be in by Thanksgiving. Hopefully. The guys selling it haven't quite completed yet on their new place so I guess it might slip.

So he flew back out of Southampton. He's back home now. Got a text.

Speaking of Thanksgiving if I am in I'd like you guys to come over. Pops can't. He says they do something at the place he volunteers at and he'd feel bad if he didn't go.

It's been good to spend so much time with him. Really get to know him. Yeah. Gonna miss him not being around. He's gonna have a think of places he'd like to visit and we'll do the father-son trip again soon. Looking forward to it.

Was good to chat to you last night about the party plans. Like I said. Am sorry I can't make it over there this week to give you a hand. I've rather taken liberties with the guys and work so I need to pitch in and do my share. But you've got this.

What I can do is sort out the guests and accommodation. So stick my contact details on the party flyer - or what did you call it - itinerary - when you email out the link. Good idea though. To set up that webpage.

Gretel messaged me to say their flights are booked. She's buzzing about the visit. They're gonna stay on for the week. She was thinking of going on to London but nothing planned yet. So adding places to visit in the area is a good call.

So Luscious Lydia and the Bonkers Billionaire. You really think she's gonna turn up. Let's see.

Anyway I'm back at the Dashing Major's place for now but I may be gone by the time you get down here. Oh and Houdini has not been around. I think that cat only calls for you, milady.

I arrived back just as a kids party was in full swing for the Boy's birthday. As they were clearing the last of the little darlings off home Dapper Dave came out onto the balcony for a breather. I was out there with a beer. Anyway I ended up having dinner with them. Seems Miss Humbug has been a bit unwell. Don't worry. She's fine now. But she gave them a bit of a fright so they've taken to checking on her daily. Taking her out and things. They're good folks.

I called in at the office too. Went through what jobs we have on the books with Wonderful Will. He looked beat. I apologised for leaving so much to him but he said it wasn't that.

No it seems that Sultry Suki has been unwell. The guys have had to run a rota to cover reception. He hadn't realised just how much admin she does. They've struggled to cover it all.

And now Serene Kate is throwing up. On a morning. Well - from what he tells me all times of the day and night.

Didn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to work this one out. And yeah.

He's gonna be a daddy.

Twice over.


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