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Uncle Henry arrives


Oh my that is all so exciting and it does make perfect sense for you to have somewhere over here given the time that you spend here. And what is a Pirate without a ship? You definitely need to get one. After sailing lessons of course.

I have contacted wolf man and things are all arranged for that. Oh and I've sent the pictures to the costume designer that Mandy recommended. Please can you pass on my thanks again to her.

I am getting very excited about this party. If this goes to plan then it is really going to be something special. I had a quick catch up with the Convivial Count and Ever-so-capable Evelyn, we were even joined in the remote meeting by Jovial James. We've refined the timings a little but it is all as planned in terms of setting up the rooms. And Techy Trevor's friends have had an idea but I'll call you about that. The Convivial Count is still deliberating what to go to the party as. I mean if he knew the nickname we'd given him it would obviously be a vampire but as the Dashing Major is going as a vampire he thinks it should be something different. I have no doubt that we'll have a room full of vampires but he is adamant he wants something different. Ever-so-capable Evelyn is on the case now so we'll have to see what happens there. I just hope it isn't a Chucky doll ... or worse ... a clown.

So as the title suggests we have had a further visitor but before I expand on that (and the whys and wherefores) I must update you about my shopping trip with Auntie Doris. I won't bore you with the dragging me around clothes stores nonsense nor the making me try on hideous outfits because if I had your figure I'd be wearing something more like this shenanigans. Suffice to say that the shopping was not much fun for me. To be fair I think Auntie Doris had me confused with Luscious Lydia (who loves to shop) and so it wasn't much fun for her either.

Lunch on the other hand was super and I finally managed to get to the bottom of why she had appeared at the parents' house. Auntie Doris is struggling to come to terms it seems with her age. Whilst she didn't go into huge detail I would guess that some of the anxiety is menopause related but I'm no expert. And I think she has just been seeking a little extra reassurance from Uncle Henry who has been blissfully unaware of ... well everything it seems. And in a fit of pique she decided to shock him into doing something by walking out on him. She then realised that she didn't know where to go and didn't want to embarrass herself in front of friends (who are mostly joint friends) so decided to come see the parents. And as she herself said it was something that she felt sure the Mother-ship would understand and she was hoping it might lead to the Mother-ship talking some sense into her brother. Unfortunately she hadn't factored in the start of term so that had all gone terribly wrong.

Anyway she looked so down bless her and that really isn't her so we hit a few more shops but this time I made it all about her. I did my very best personal shopper impersonation and had her trying on all kinds of outfits, some of which she actually loved. So we arrived back home with quite a few bags and a much happier Auntie Doris.

The boys had surfaced and were looking a little jaded still but whilst Auntie Doris went upstairs with her purchases I quickly filled them in on things. The Dashing Major took the whole thing very seriously and determined to have a quiet word with Auntie Doris whilst the A-lister and I set about working out what we were going to make for dinner. So he made her a G&T and got himself a soda or something and the pair of them holed up in the living room for quite a while. When Auntie Doris emerged she declared what a wonderful man he was and how she felt more at peace than she had in a while. So three of us started up the kitchen karaoke until dinner was ready.

Auntie Doris's rendition of In the Navy was something to behold. She even marched around the kitchen saluting whilst singing. The no recording rule was very nearly broken I can tell you.

In the meantime, the Dashing Major made a call to the Mother-ship to get Uncle Henry's number and then he called Uncle Henry himself. He won't go into detail about what he discussed with either of them but whatever it was it certainly worked a treat.

Piotr the Protective was given the all clear to come over and the five of us had a lovely dinner which included a lot of good natured teasing of the A-lister - and Auntie Doris for that matter. It was a very pleasant evening all round. But we were all ready for an early night given the previous one so it didn't go on too late.

Anyway, just before midday the next day the parents arrived with Uncle Henry in tow. He looked very tired bless him so I don't think he has been handling the albeit short absence of Auntie Doris very well. The Dashing Major managed to head them off before they got in the house and asked if he could have a quiet word with Uncle Henry on his own. I made them some coffee and they found a quiet place to sit in the garden and we all waited inside. Auntie Doris had just got up and was wearing one of the new outfits from the previous day and she looked lovely. No-one mentioned that Uncle Henry was there until he came into the dining room which was the signal for the rest of us to make ourselves scarce. They were only in there a half hour or so and then both emerged, holding hands and looking like a couple in love. It was wonderful.

So I'm sat in the office typing this all up and the house is mercifully quiet again. Uncle Henry and Auntie Doris will stay with the parents this evening and then head home tomorrow. They were both extremely grateful to the Dashing Major and even Uncle Henry managed a very reserved half embrace with him. Auntie Doris on the other hand was in full hug mode and saved the longest one for him. In fact we were a little concerned that she wasn't going to let go but she did in the end.

A very satisfactory conclusion to the whole visit and one, as Father-dearest pointed out, that means that I don't need to blow up his shed.


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