I could still hear her berating the parents at 11 last night though I think at that stage even she had forgotten what for.

Certainly it had been confirmed (a number of times) that the only person so far out of pocket from the purchase of my house was myself. And we all thought that she had accepted this. So I took myself upstairs to pack.
I wasn't altogether sure what I needed to pack other than an overnight bag and my laptop but I threw my gym gear in there and a few bits and pieces. I had decided to travel down in my best suit - after all I should at least put on a semblance of this being a professional meeting even though I suspected that you might turn it into something else. And on that front I also threw in some nice jeans and a couple of tops that would do for smart or casual too. Just in case.
Father-dearest, always an early riser anyway, offered to drive me to Leeds to get the early morning train to Reading. I'd opted for the one that changes at Cheltenham Spa rather than the one that would take me to Kings Cross and necessitate the morning crush on the tube. So I had plenty of time to refine my presentation and go over the mock ups. And wonder what it would be like to be with you two again.
I do like a train journey. Much less stressful than driving and much more room to work than flying (unless you are in Business - I assume).
I also remembered to call Reliable Rob to let him know that I would be out of the area for a couple of days so if they needed access to the house to call the Mother-ship. I had delegated this to her as she was less likely to indulge in lengthy, needless conversations with him than Father-dearest. Who has now purchased a camera doorbell. Delivery men beware.
On that front he sat like a hawk waiting for the postman the first day it was installed only to be disappointed that shouting something ridiculous into it did not even startle Posty. He was even more disappointed to hear that they are now accustomed to disembodied voices when they arrive on doorsteps as most people seem to have them - the doorbell that is - not disembodied voices. Nevertheless he is a hopeful soul and eagerly checks his phone if the alert comes up. The Mother-ship is already sick of it and has taken to using the conservatory door to get into the house.
Back to my trip South. I hadn't considered that you might not have a car - or even need a car - when you are over here and I had it in my head that you would be the one collecting me from the station. Or at least be one of the people collecting me from the station. So I was rather taken aback that it was only the Dashing Major waiting for me at the station entrance. But as I would be staying at his place then I guess it made perfect sense for him to pick me up. It just had not occurred to me and I must admit for some annoying reason I found myself blushing like a school girl. That would have to stop.
Anyway he said lots of nice things and asked if I wanted to drop my things off at his flat or did I want to go straight to the office as it were. I opted for the latter if that was okay which of course it was and so he drove us out of the town centre and to what I assume to be the outskirts. Lots of greenery and parks and a golf course and garden centres and the like.
I expected some sort of warehouse arrangement behind wire fencing with barbed wire on the top but it is nothing like that is it. But I suppose if you are dealing with a lot of actors then it does make sense to have the high brick walls rather than fencing as they must give you much more privacy. Not as easy for the paparazzi to take a photo in an off-guard moment. And the smart brick perimeter fitted with the surroundings more than I think fence and barbed wire would.
Of course the gates must know his registration number because they immediately opened as we approached and then I could see the main building. Definitely not a warehouse. Lots of huge windows and white walls - a very classy looking building. It screams successful company.
He dropped me at the door to go park his car somewhere (At the back? Under the building?) and there you were in the doorway. Just leaning there. Smiling. And then hugging me. Which was nice considering the last time we had spoken you were less than happy with me.
You smell nice by the way.
And then I was on the grand tour and being introduced to everyone. I had not foreseen that giving people nicknames would make it so difficult to remember their real names. I caught myself almost calling Techy Trevor Trevor. And you were right to worry. He is exactly my kind of man. Intelligent, geeky, a gamer (seems we play a lot of the same online games) and with a very gentle manner. And he's not bad looking either. I mean not on the Dashing Major or even your scale, but quite aesthetic.
But he is a bit younger than me and I know age shouldn't be a defining factor when it comes to relationships but I've always gone for older men. So he is safe from my advances I'm afraid. Not that I think he would be interested in me anyway.
And what a place. The mock up that had been put together for High Maintenance Mandy was still there and whilst I readily admit I have no experience of what a film set might look like - that looked like a film set. Furniture and everything. I mean wow. Just wow.
I know that we hadn't really arranged any timetable of events but I had assumed that I would be doing my presentation to them straightaway and then just hanging around with you and back up North the next day. So it did seem rather odd when I was shown into that empty office and told to make myself at home. That this was my office whilst I was there. And the Dashing Major was only next door so if there was anything I needed. And Wonderful Will's office was across the way - when he was back.
And I was confused. I mean why did I need an office? And all you did was laugh. And then disappear. For ages.
So I set up my laptop and checked my phone and wondered what the hell to do. And then you returned. With Techy Trevor. And the Dashing Major. All squished in my doorway .. I mean the doorway .. and announced that I was going to have my first lesson.
Firearms training.