I can't wait for you guys to get here and fill me in. I'm particularly looking forward to the Dashing Major's take on the parents.

I wish I had more to tell you on Piotr the Protective but I have to go easy on that front. All I know is that he doesn't want them to know where he is. And if I ask the wrong people - or ask too many questions of the right people - I could end up tipping them off.
I can tell you that he withdraws most of his money in cash every month. He's not spending it on himself so at a guess I'd say he's giving it - or sending it - to someone else. Beats me who.
From what little I do know I didn't see any mention of a girl - or a kid. Can't see him sending it to his folks. He has two brothers. And trust me he wouldn't send it to them even if they needed it. They are real pieces of work.
He has a grandmother though - maybe her. She's in some home and as far as I can tell has nothing to do with the family. Yeah - she'd be my guess.
Just be careful. I don't like the idea of him being near you if they come looking.
Anyway things here have moved on. And that's a bit of an understatement.
Gretel Lederhosen is not known for her patience. And she was not for waiting. Not once she knew you wouldn't be here for another few days. So as soon as it opened we were at the storage unit.
Don't think I mentioned that the key was in an envelope marked for me. Tucked in with his things from the nursing home. It was gramps' handwriting. Had a note inside with the address of the unit and the number of the locker. No explanation. No nothing.
Strangest thing though. Guy on the desk asked for ID. Not for gramps. For me. Locker's in my name. It didn't feel right. You know when you get that feeling? Like you should just turn round and walk away?
Well we didn't. But we should have.
When we opened the locker all we could see were boxes and some old furniture. A sideboard that I remember gran polishing until she could see her face in the wood. A dining table and some chairs. And just lots and lots of boxes.
We opened a few and they seemed to be a mix of junk. An old boxing trophy from gramps' youth. Some books. A lamp. Some vinyls. Even found an old record player to go with them.
At the back there was something covered in a cloth. On top there were some suitcases. Opened a couple of those and they had old clothes in and old bedding and ****.
We were going to call it a day but decided to take a look to see what it was that the cover was hiding. It was big enough to be .... and sure enough. A freezer. Not plugged in.
And then I thought about what you'd said about a skeleton. But rotting bodies would have left a mark. Spillage. There was nothing. In fact the whole place was clean and tidy.
So we figured we were safe to open it. We moved everything off the top and the cloth. That's when we noticed it had a lock.
Well you know me. That was a piece of cake.
Inside there were some more books. Scrap books. Press cuttings in some. Not sure why so we put those to one side to bring back for a better look. And there was a lockbox which I was going to open. But then we saw it.
The leg.