Yes it was horridly short but I do understand and of course you need to be back there to support your Pops. I do hope that one day I get to meet him.

And your post was too short, Pirate. I need to know more. I mean Great-uncle Frank is your grandfather - probably - so you can't just leave it hanging like that. So you had better have those long fingers of yours tapping on the keyboard for the next instalment.
It was so good to be home though and I really couldn't see any of the damage that was done. Reliable Rob and his merry men have pretty much finished up now and the house does seem obscenely quiet without them.
I was a little nervous about seeing Piotr the Protective again after everything that has gone on and what you guys have accomplished (for want of better words) but I really needn't have. He was so pleased to see me and glad that I had been kept safe. Whilst he was happy that he hadn't been stored at an army camp he was rather jealous of my adventures. His 'safe house' had been rather dull by comparison. And I think that he had been rather worried that I wouldn't want him here given that, as he put it, he had brought such terrible people to my door. I'm hoping that I reassured him sufficiently to know that he is welcome and he is, in my view, no way to blame for what happened.
But I must admit that I was struggling a little to settle to anything. Father-dearest has done a sterling job decorating and left me nothing to do on that front. Both he and the Mother-ship are now firmly entrenched in their preparations for the start of the new university year so it would be bad of me to interrupt other than a brief visit to show them that I was okay. And now that the conservatory is up the Dashing Major is busy setting up his office in there.
So I'm afraid I did rather revert to type and got myself logged in. It was good to see some familiar faces online and before I knew where I was several hours had flown by. And then the A-lister logged on and we put a group together of his friends and some of my contacts and a few more hours flew by.
As an aside I think that's what I'm coming to love about the Dashing Major. He understands. I mean he could, as I've found in past relationships, get very grumpy at the amount of time I can play online but he doesn't. He gets it. And he is perfectly happy to fill his time with his own stuff which, I guess, is because he has spent a lot of his time living alone. Perhaps. Anyway I mention it because I think it is rather wonderful.
Anyway when we finished playing I stayed on the comms to chat with the A-lister and a few of the guys. I was bemoaning the fact that the house seemed rather empty now it was just me and the Dashing Major and the A-lister mentioned that he was actually in the country shooting something or other, not that far from us, and was struggling with his digs. It seemed rude not to invite him really, not now that we had fully decorated and furnished spare rooms. And of course he and the Dashing Major go back years. And so it was decided that we would put him up at my house and he would bring his things over on his day off. Oh and it turns out that he is shooting the next instalment in a film series that I've actually heard of.
So that has rather given me something to do which is to complete the games room. I mean it is fine for just me being in there but if I'm going to have a guest staying - and playing - then it needs finishing. And to be fair I have all the furniture and equipment in, I just haven't yet found the time to put it all together and sort it all out.
And it was when I was finishing off the last rig and it was installing all the updates to the software that I felt it. Joy. Real contentment. And I know that I've said it before but I am incredibly fortunate and I shouldn't ever forget that.
So I'm going to leave this post there and let you know that I'm now heading to the kitchen to cook dinner and have a little kitchen karaoke while I'm at it.