I've been sat here wondering how to write this. Or at least how to start it. Don't panic! Nothing wrong. Not really. Well not with me.

So I got a call from your sister. Jeremy the Batchelor gave her my number.
Oh and they are not together any more. But he's a decent guy. And she said she was in trouble. And he knows I deal with trouble.
Anyway not sure if you remember but I told you she had a short term thing with a Russian billionaire. He was ****ed when she called off their engagement.
Well it seems he's been hounding her for some time to return the ring. She's told him - or rather her lawyers have told him - that it was a gift to her and there is no obligation to return it blah blah blah.
That hasn't worked. Someone has broken into her apartment and trashed it. I mean really trashed it.
She's reported it to the cops but there was absolutely nothing for them to go on. No prints. Security cameras mysteriously out of action. Professional job.
And she's been getting texts to return the ring .. or else. She's shown them to the cops but they can't trace them. Told her to get a new SIM. She did and the texts start coming through again in a day or two.
So she's staying in a hotel. Then she starts getting calls to the room. When she picks up there is nothing on the other end. It freaks her out.
I've seen scared, milady and I can tell you your sister is terrified. She's even tried to return the ring. But the messages say it is too late for that.
I couldn't ignore her. Still don't like her. But I know that you'd want me to help her. Thing is. I think she needs to come home.
And I've checked everything she's told me. It's all true. I've seen the police report and the pictures and they did a real job on her place.
Anyway I have some contacts here but the Dashing Major has more over there. If we're gonna get this to stop I think I need his help. And I figure although you guys don't get on you'll want to help her too.
As soon as I could be sure she was telling me the truth I got her a flight home. To the UK. And I drove her to the airport myself. Kept her safe.
And I wondered if you would mind if Pops and I flew out earlier than planned. Figured that might make things easier in terms of dealing with Luscious Lydia if I was on site. And anything that might follow her.
And I did try to call to warn you but I only got the messaging service. Not the kinda thing to leave as a message and I had to work fast. Figured I could put more in here. Post it then talk to you later.
I know you'll agree I did the right thing.
Oh and in other news. They've accepted my offer on the Southampton place.
See you soon, milady.