This is the first time I've seen you both as a couple and damn you look good together.

And happy.
Sounds like you were as antsy as Gretel. I swear I had to threaten to make her sit in the car at one point.
Well you know this bit. The leaving the airport bit - the taking you to my place bit. And I haven't got anything to write about that.
You were very quiet though so I'd like to know your first impressions of it all.
Your gifts for Gretel were out of this world. I may make you my personal shopper. I mean a candle that had a scent reminiscent of a smoking room in an elegant gentleman's club. Where do you find things like that? Then the cushions that look like those cookies you guys have - tea cakes? - and some of the actual cookies too. She was blown away. Well - you saw that for yourself.
She has plastered them all over her social media feeds so you are now famous in the social world of Gretel Lederhosen. Which is vast - and I ain't kidding.
And good point about people sharing things on social media. If they wanna get in they can put their cells in a box and collect them when they go. I guess we still have the problem of people saying she was at the party though. Hopefully with no pictures to back it up people will just think it's BS.
It seemed that the Dashing Major and I had to leave you guys way too soon. But we had our kidnapping to do and it was timed to a tee.
Actually moving around the hotel unseen wasn't the challenge. We had people on the inside and the tech stuff is rather basic. And with a willing kidnapee it was a cinch.
The real trick is moving around outside. New York streets are covered with CCTV. If High Maintenance Mandy didn't manage to reassure everyone likely to panic, then there was a chance that a street cam might catch a picture of us or a reg or whatever. I did wonder at a chopper but the Dashing Major thought they would be too easy to trace.
So we opted for disguises. The three of us left wearing one set. Had another set stashed in a nearby store. Changed there. Split up - left by separate entrances. Had some more stashed in a bar and a café. Changed there. Three more changes all in separate places before High Maintenance Mandy met me back at the apartment and the Dashing Major went to meet you guys at the exhibition.
Frankly if they could piece all that together we deserved to get caught. High Maintenance Mandy made her calls somewhere amongst her changes and told everyone to leave her alone. She'd be back Monday. And if they didn't leave her alone - or they tried to find her - she'd make it a week on Monday.
She had a blast though. All the wigs and the gear and changing the way she walked or carried herself and stuff. Well she is an actress after all but still. Not everyday you have to think that you are evading the NYPD.
And then you guys got back and I got to introduce you to her. You really seemed to hit if off. And I think I might have been worried that you wouldn't.
I love my apartment. But I love it even more now with you and Gretel in the kitchen cooking, laughing and teasing High Maintenance Mandy who is on glass filling duties.
And then declaring that it was time to introduce Kitchen Karaoke.
I've missed you.