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Regrets ... I have a few


I've scanned the letter over.

I can summarize though. I've saved a **** pile of trouble and I think you can sort it.

Cryptic is a good word though. I guess he figured there was a chance someone else might find the letter.

But as I read it he was sitting on the money for someone. That someone never came back for it. Not his to spend. He was scared gran might find it and spend it. Which is I guess why he was having her watched. To start with at least.

As for the other stuff. He wanted me to find Great-uncle Bojo - not named but implied - lay him to rest properly. Says some nice things about me. Regrets that we weren't closer. Knows I'll do the right thing. End.

No mention who did for Great-uncle Bojo or why.

Word is forensic reckon he died in the early to mid 70's. That fits with what Neighbour Chet was saying about when he last saw him and when the grandparents moved out.

I don't think gramps did it. He clearly loved his brother. But gran? Could she have killed him? And if so, why?

Tracking down dad turned out easier than I had expected. Seems the old man has got his **** together. Well - seems to. He volunteers at a local hostel in Pittsburgh. Got a place to live. Not swanky but clean. Yeah I visited.

He was pleased to see me. Bit gushy. Bit eager. But I guess it makes sense. He didn't see much if anything of me as a kid. Looking back I guess mom was just trying to protect me.

I had to tell him something. Why I was looking him up now. I told him gramps had died. He nodded at that. Nothing else.

I wasn't going to tell him all the other stuff. Well - still haven't. But I figured I had to tell him about finding Great-uncle Bojo. We needed info from him about that.

That did shock him. The fact that he was in the house. I told him what Neighbour Chet had seen. That got him talking. And boy did he have some stuff to say.

You were right to query his parentage. That was a big source of arguments between the grandparents. Gramps never believed he was his. Gran just never seemed to connect with him either. He never felt loved. Or wanted. He didn't want to make excuses but he thinks that was a big reason for him going off the rails.

He remembered Great-uncle Bojo. Said he was like a kid. Bit simple. But he protected dad from some of the worst bits. When he was around. He remembered that gran and gramps would order Great-uncle Bojo around. Always seemed to have jobs for him.

And yeah he remembered the fight in the yard. He said that Great-uncle Bojo had a thing for gran. When gramps wasn't around she'd tease him. Thinks Great-uncle Bojo got the wrong message one day. Hence the beating. Doesn't think he did anything much. But enough to set gran off.

But it can't have been gramps that killed Great-uncle Bojo.

Great-uncle Bojo wouldn't let them hit dad. Then one day he wasn't there. So then there was no-one to protect him. So dad remembers that bit well.

Gramps had taken dad to see someone. An aunt. And when they came back there was no sign of Great-uncle Bojo. He said there were rows. Big ones. Gramps hitting gran. He clearly blamed her for Great-uncle Bojo not being there but that's as much as he remembers. Not long after they moved into a ****y apartment in Braddock.

Dad got in with a crowd of kids. Usual stuff. Petty theft. Drinking. Some drugs. Eventually got picked up by the cops. Ended up in some program or other. Church thing. Some pastor and his wife took him in. First time he'd felt wanted. He'd be late teens by this stage.

Did okay for a while. Met mom. Got married. Got their own apartment. Had me. Then the grandparents got in touch. Gran was sick. Gramps was getting older. They said they owed people and 'cos they couldn't do the work anymore he would have to.

He didn't want to talk about that bit. Wasn't proud of what he did. Ended up back on the drink. Didn't want to tell mom. Struggled to keep a job down when he was running errands at all times of the day and night.

I knew the rest. Mom left. Took me with her.

By the time gran died. By the time the errands stopped he had no way of contacting us. And he didn't think we'd want to see him anyway. Gramps didn't want anything to do with him and eventually went into the nursing home anyway.

So he had nothing. Ended up on the streets. Living rough. It was the church again that saved him. Got him back on his feet. Sorted him out.

Anyway I'm rambling. Bit like him. Like I said, he was pleased to see me.

But to solve one of the bits of our puzzle. The eldest child. Great-aunt Sarah.

You'll be glad of the family tree when you hear the next bit.

Great-aunt Sarah is Great-uncle Bojo's mother.

And the kicker. Gran told dad that great-grandad was the father.


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