Well thank goodness it was only the house that got damaged. I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to any of you.

I'm also thankful that the village was safely unaware of the drama and that it didn't spill out any further afield. But you really do need to explain to me which one of you has the contacts or connections or whatever that you manage to dip in and out of working with the police, because I'm still not clear how it could end the way it did and yet neither of you were arrested or even questioned by the local constabulary.
And I guess the family should be careful what it wished for given that one brother is indeed going home in a box. I managed to speak to Piotr the Protective yesterday and thank you for getting a phone sorted for him. He is as you say fine albeit a little bored but I was telling him about the scrapes I've been getting in at this end and that seemed to amuse him greatly. We are both looking forward to going home and it was gratifying that he now thinks of that flat as home. So all good really.
I too have been shooting things but thankfully only targets. I think they have worked out that if they keep me on the firing range I'm less likely to cause problems. So I've been trying out all kinds of weapons and some are incredibly fun. Obviously away from the standard firing range they let me play with a mini-rocket launcher thing. That was amazing!! I can't imagine what I would ever need one for but if you were wanting to arm me to the teeth please could I have one of those. And surprisingly they don't have much more recoil than a shotgun. Not huge on range but very big on boom and fireworks.
I did however have to do 25 push ups for whooping and doing a little dance that might have involved twerking when I blew up the target. Apparently that is not something that one does in the army.
I'm actually doing much fewer push ups and circuits than I have been so I think my discipline may be getting better.
I am however on double Tasks and Duties because of a silly misunderstanding involving the camp mascot. Well ... not a misunderstanding per se. More a jolly wheeze that involved a pig, some toothpaste and a little bicarbonate of soda. Caused a bit of a stir for a while before they realised that the pig was foaming with minty freshness.
The CO was extremely red in the face when he was shouting at me. I think he may have a blood pressure issue. I was going to mention it but it didn't really seem like the right time.
Anyway they can't put me on guard duty, which is what the fun bunch were telling me is a default duty when you are out of favour, because I shouldn't really be here. And I'm not sure they want me armed with live bullets if I'm really honest. And I think I'm already doing most of the other default duties so they decided to give me the task of sorting out the library. Well! hardly a punishment that one but they're not to know that are they? Apparently the person who usually sorts it all out is not well or not here or something. I'm sorry but they shout so much that I stop listening after a while. Main thing is it is now my job, in between classes, to get the library in ship shape condition so that it can be used. Oh, I should say that it has been closed for a while due to the lack of an aforementioned librarian.
Anyway I've been asking the guys in my classes what they would use a library for and outside of the witty banter and lewd suggestions they've come up with some really good suggestions. So I mentioned some of them to Chaplain Charles to see if he knew how we might get some of the ideas made real. He's actually very keen to help so I've been reviewing the current system, stock and space and putting together a realistically costed plan of what it might look like. Essentially the guys want comfy seats, coffee and audio books in addition to the usual stuff. Chaplain Charles is going to present it to the CO or whoever to see if he can get a sign off on it. So there may be some lasting legacy of my time here although I'm not holding my breath for them renaming the library after me.
But you never know.