I like that. I may have cards printed. Nefarious schemes are us kinda thing.

You're right of course. I shouldn't hide things from you. Not when they involve you.
I was asking the Dashing Major about guns. I wasn't sure what the rules were here. I think you should have one. He's not so sure.
Am gonna do some knife training with you though. We agreed on that.
And no I don't know that you're gonna need it. I'd just prefer you to be able to defend yourself if you needed to - in any way you can.
Loved the update on the Agatha Christie players. What about Barrow-boy Bruce though and his orange girlfriend? Or Chief Superintendent Eric (retired)? I reckon you should write a book. A murder mystery with those guys as suspects.
Was it Sucking-lemons Cynthia in the library with the underwear? Or the Right Reverend Rupert in the conservatory with the altar boy?
While you guys were off choosing furniture I managed to catch up with Piotr the Protective. He has squirrels in his gutter by the way. And no - not a comment on his sanity. For real. They're cute. But they need to live somewhere else. Any ideas?
Anyway Piotr the Protective really likes you. And he's grateful for everything you're doing for him. He ain't gonna risk anything ruining that if he can. And he's not happy either about his brother sniffing around. So I explained that's where I come in.
I told him about catching up with Felonious Feliks and the line he gave me. He's not interested. Sad about his mom but she's as bad as the rest of the family. And he ain't going back to that life.
He has some kinda settlement status by the way. So he's here legally. And he wants to stay.
He gave me some useful background on them all. Last time he saw Felonious Feliks he was just a kid. I updated him. He wasn't surprised.
And he thinks he is being watched. He was at another job earlier this week and he clocked the same car a few times. It didn't make sense other than it was following him. He got the reg. I'm getting that checked out.
He has no idea why they're looking for him now. He doesn't want to get in touch with his contacts over there in case it makes matters worse. So he gave me what info he could and I'm gonna see what I can find out. He seemed happy to be able to talk to someone about it all.
I think he's the real deal. I like him.
Oh and he gave me the last numbers he had for various family members. So I've passed those on to Techy Trevor. See what his buddies can find out.
So I spent the rest of the afternoon playing in your office milady. I loved what you did with my family tree so I figured I'd create a family tree for Piotr the Protective. Add the info we have already. And more importantly their location.
Because according to Techy Trevor's dodgy buddies Piotr's big brother has just applied for a visa. So I guess he'll be on his way shortly.