Yeah very Agatha Christie. Made me laugh. Can't wait to hear more.

Plastic Patty and Pervy Percy - that's an odd one. I don't hold out much hope for it. Sorry.
Well I guess there were still a few loose ends at this end. The place in Philly for one. So we grabbed a flight.
A trip with the old man.
Not sure what we thought we would find but the place had been cleared. Whatever had been there before was no more.
Looked as if the local kids were using it as a dirt track. Good luck to them.
So we didn't stay. It looks like good real estate though. I put a call in to the attorney who handled gramps' will. Said a deed in his name had turned up. What were the implications?
Anyway they called later to say that the terms of the will meant it reverted to me. So I said I'd drop it in with them - they can do the necessary.
Dad is clear though. He wants nothing of any of it. Wants me to take it all. He just wants us to stay in touch.
As for Great-Uncle Bojo. There is no update on when we can bury him. Again.
On that front I've been discussing things with dad. Gran was buried near family in Bloomfield. Wouldn't be right to put gramps there. Not before but definitely not now.
Dad is going to have a word with his local priest. See if he can't be interred at his church. Then when they release Great-Uncle Bojo he'll have him put at the side of gramps. I think that's the best solution.
Said I'd pay. He's doing okay but he doesn't have that kinda spare cash. I told him it would be repaid from the sale of the land in Philly and the house. So he was okay with it.
I told dad that you were looking at the family tree. Did he want to try to get in touch with any of Great-uncle Frank's family. Out of curiosity if nothing else. He didn't. It was all in the past and should stay there.
Only thing he was interested in was me. What I did. Who I was. That kinda thing. Touching really.
So when the circus is all over - when we can safely go the house - he's going to come with me. We'll clear it together. And the storage unit. Rehome what we can.
And we'll keep in touch.
So some good has come out of all this.