I would love to but it will have to wait - for now. Obviously.

I was sorry to have rushed off like that but a couple of things have come up that I needed to get back for and sort out. I'll be back in a few days .. hopefully.
You'll be fine with the guys. They'll look after you. And don't make my leaving an excuse to scuttle back up North. You yourself said that there ain't anything to do up there at the moment.
And I have it on good authority that Luscious Lydia has not left the UK yet. So you hole up with the Dashing Major for now and I'll get back asap.
You guys do seem to be getting on really well. And if you don't mind me saying he looks the happiest I've seen him for a while. And I have no doubt that is down to you, milady!
And we are all enjoying having you around. That place gets a bit masculine so having you and Sultry Suki there does change the dynamic.
The transformation of your office is looking impressive. Wonderful Will has already asked me if he thought you would mind revamping his room in addition to the website. I think we may have found you a side-business. And having seen the demo for the front page of the website I think you were right about going with the Techy Trevor interview. For a geek he interviews pretty well and it does rather showcase the shooting gallery. Am sure the guys will agree when you update them tomorrow.
Wonderful Will is going to take over your training for now. He's going to give you some BS about fighting cleanly - he means no gouging or biting. He thinks I fight dirty. Which is a fair point. I do. But we're not talking about you taking up competitive martial arts - we're talking about you being able to defend yourself against an attacker and safely put some distance between you and the bad guy. But he is excellent at what he does and you'll be able to use a lot of it. Just don't forget what I've been teaching you about the soft spots and key pressure points.
Just don't use them in any fight with Wonderful Will or he'll get his panties in a bunch.
Update - I typed that on the flight back. Which was uneventful apart from some kid kicking the back of my chair. I tried being Mr Nice Guy and asking the mother politely to stop her child from doing it. She gave me some **** about not stunting his individuality by compelling him to follow unnecessary social conventions. So I got several bags of peanuts from the trolley and every time he kicked my chair I launched peanuts at his head.
I know - childish - but sometimes you have to bring yourself down to their level and out brat them.
She tried complaining to the cabin crew but they weren't interested. I think they were rather amused to be honest. So eventually she persuaded the little **** to stop it. I say persuaded .. she bribed him by giving him her tablet and letting him play games for the rest of the flight. I try not to judge 'cos I don't have kids but I'd like to think if I did it would be better than that one. Oh and I apologised to the cabin crew for all the peanuts and offered to pay a cleaning tariff or whatever and they were fine. They'd been a pain to them too and I'd kept them amused so it was all good.
I think I owe you at least an explanation for my rapid departure. Without going into boring - and depressing - detail I used to live in a pretty ****y part of the city. It's where I grew up and a few of my friends never managed to get out. They're pretty decent people but surrounded by a lot that ain't. And now they have families and kids it makes it all much scarier for them. Would make it a helluva lot easier if they moved - and I have offered to help with that - but for whatever reason a few of them are still in there and determined to stay.
Anyway I know the guys that lead the gangs in the area and we have an arrangement. They leave my friends and their families alone and I leave them alone.
But now there's some new people moved in. Word is they're throwing their weight around and trying to take over. Last thing everyone there needs is a turf war. Innocent people get caught in the middle of that kinda ****. So I'm going down there tonight and catch up with a few people and find out what's going on.
And I know you are about to text me to tell me to be careful.
I am always careful.