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Dinner with the CO


Ah the long reach of the Dashing Major, which, on balance, I am very grateful for.

There is a rather enticing regularity to things here which, I would imagine if you are here for any length of time, is quite hard to do without. And so many things are decided for you that, again I imagine, it is easy to get lazy (not sure that is the right word - complacent is probably better) and simply go with the flow.

Suffice to say I am most certainly not going with the flow. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the regularity of my day or even that someone else works out my timetable (though that is beginning to rankle a tad) but it is what feels like the constant ordering around that is making me feel quite mutinous.

Also I have missed you both terribly and the fact that this is the only communication at present is killing me.

Speaking of killing me, the trainer chappy who was detailed to teach me to fight with a knife was rather keen. A little too keen with murderous intent for my liking. And before I tell you more about it I will first say that I have been trying to be very good when it comes to training. I try to work hard and listen to everything they have to teach me (even when they shout at me) and put into practice what they want in the order that they want it.

But he ****ed me off. So instead of fighting in the manner of Wonderful Will, which I was to start with, I ended up fighting Pirate-style. Okay so I've done a bit of fighting now with a few of you guys and even in the close combat it has all felt quite respectful. Yes we get up close and personal but ... oh I'm not sure that I can properly put it into words .. probably because it still makes me angry to think about it ... but you don't touch the wrong places if you get my drift. And before you get your panties in a bunch it may well, as I have been assured, have been a genuine error but I have most certainly dealt with it.

Anyway the close combat training I find quite easy and a lot of that is down to the training I've had from you guys. I'm not only holding my own but in many cases I'm wiping the floor with them. Adding a knife into the mix was interesting and quite challenging but I think because I'm confident in the first bit the addition of the knife didn't feel overwhelming. And I think that cheesed this trainer off. In fact I'm sure that he really didn't like the fact that I could beat him in close combat.

And so he got a bit handsy. Which I'm afraid was carte blanche for me to forget all their stupid rules and ranks and **** and give him a piece of my mind. And that is what I told the CO. Who for once I think was openly on my side.

It started innocently enough but then his holds were quite frankly intimate and I think meant to intimidate me. So that earned him a kick in the groin and an elbow to the face. He went down like a sack of potatoes. I managed to disarm him and threw my knife away (which I noticed was incredibly blunt - probably best in the circumstances) and then we just set about each other. At one stage he announced to the group (Team Lady as it turns out) that he was going to put me in my place.

That certainly did not happen and I put him in the hospital wing.

Just to reassure I am relatively unscathed apart from a few bruises which, as you know, I pick up easily so certainly no reflection on his skill, and a little hoarse from shouting obscenities at him. He on the other has mild concussion, a few cracked ribs and a torn something in his shoulder.

There is going to be an investigation which may well lead to disciplinary action, against him I may add, not me. And as there were so many witnesses it will not require anything more than a written statement from me (which I've already given).

What was really very heartening from it all was the response of the recruits who were watching. They were aghast at the attitude of this trainer against a woman and civilian. I say this because all the other trainers I've come across here have been super professional. He may well have been posturing but in the heat of the fight was spouting some terribly misogynistic claptrap. The guys in the audience were shocked and disgusted in equal measure and told me afterwards that they couldn't believe that there were men around who still thought in that way. As word spread of the incident there are female recruits coming forward to complain about his behaviour to them so perhaps he is a bad apple.

Anyway there was some concern that I may have been traumatised by the incident but I am fine. Chaplain Charles was going to organise some counselling but I told him not to bother. Whilst violence isn't the answer to most problems I do feel that in this very specific incident it clearly was the best medicine for me. Which leads me to wonder what on earth you have created.

So I'm not sure if it was concern about my wellbeing or perhaps a bit of a charm offensive, but the CO invited me to dinner. I thought that it might include Chaplain Charles and Fragrant Fiona but it did not.

Just me and the CO.

He turns out to be an incredibly nice person and, after the initial surprise that it was just the two of us, I felt quite safe with him. It turns out that he wanted a way for us to chat without him having to be on duty as it were. He wanted my impression of life in the camp and my thoughts on all kind of things. Apparently there has been a marked improvement in morale particularly amongst the newest recruits and, appreciative (in many ways) of the fact that I am a temporary addition, he was interested in what they might do to put something more permanent in place to keep this up. He was happy to listen to my ideas and for me to share a lot of the feedback I've had.

Of course I asked him about the Dashing Major but he was very cagey about how he knew him but was very happy to say how much respect and admiration he had for him.

All in all it was a very pleasant evening made even more so when he told me that I would be leaving in less than 48 hours time.

So I'm finalising the digital plan for the library and the full project brief with costings, suppliers and timeframes and I'm doing a short presentation to the CO and some others later about that. I've jokingly titled it as my library. One never knows but they may well take the hint and rename it after me.

And now I'm packing up the bulk of my kit - No! - belongings. Oh goodness I have been here too long.

So if you could hurry along that would be super.


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