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Couldn't wait to tell you ...


I know that you've just posted and that you're probably not on your flight yet but I couldn't wait.

I officially have a house. Paperwork signed and everything. I am soooo excited.

I hadn't said anything to anyone, not even Ever-so-capable Evelyn, because I was afraid to jinx it but it is all done now so I am officially a home owner.

I'd sold my flat what feels like an age ago now and had moved back in with the parents waiting for the right place to come on the market. Not sure what things are like in the States but I really struggled to find anything that I liked and could afford.

Anyway, about three or four months ago I saw somewhere. It is way too big for me I know but the house is just perfect. It's a bit of a fixer-upper at the moment and it needs modernising but it just has so much room and so much potential. It has a bit of land with it (I'd call it a garden but I couldn't make out anything as clearly defined as a garden) and ... get this ... a patch of woodland. I knew as soon as I saw it that this was the place and at a pinch I could afford it (with the maximum mortgage I could get) but the problem was I'd be using all my funds just to buy it.

I think it was plain to the parents that this was the place or maybe they just want me out of theirs but they've released some equity (my inheritance they say) and so I could not only buy it but afford to have the necessary work done. And it is going to need some work. But I don't care. I HAVE A HOUSE.

My House. I'm picking the keys up later in the week but I've already been snooping around and peering through the windows trying to remember what the rooms were like and things. I was going to attempt to measure the windows for blinds and curtains and things but apparently you can't do that from outside. Who knew!!

Oh I can't wait, Pirate!

My own place. My flat was great and it was handy. No need for a car in the city or anything (you'll appreciate that) but this has so many rooms and garden and trees and I think I have a field. I'm not sure about the field. I will have to check the plans and stuff.

It's a bit out of the way. Just on the edge of a really nice village which has all the amenities; a shop, a pub and a post office - what more does a girl need!! I'll need a car but dad has a Landrover that he doesn't use that much (bought it in case of bad weather but never needed it) so has donated it to the crazy daughter with the crazy big house. I'm making it sound like Buckingham Palace. It isn't. I mean it has like 6 or 7 bedrooms (some I'm sure will end up as en suites) and an attic that has rooms that I think were used as bedrooms. Maybe that's where the 6 or 7 come in. Oh it doesn't matter.

I have a house !! And I now need to find some builders. But not even that will dampen my spirits.

I am so excited and I can't wait to start planning what to do with the rooms. Although I need to get the roof sorted first (condition of the mortgage) and that would make sense anyway. No point doing work in the house and then the roof leaking. Although the surveyor seemed to think there was more chance of it collapsing than leaking. I did think he was trying to scare me. Hopefully he was exaggerating.

Anyway dad thinks he knows someone who might come and give me a quote and won't completely fleece me. And he is coming over on Friday night to have a look around. Unless there is a delay getting the keys in which case I have to ring him and we'll rearrange. I hope there isn't a delay. I think I'll probably cry if there is.

I don't know what you think about real estate (that's what you call it isn't it) and maybe that's not exciting but I do hope that next time you are over you'll come and visit. I can host you. How fantastic is that!! Hopefully you think that would be fantastic. Might need to slum it a little depending on when you can visit, and when I can get builders, and how long it takes builders to do things. I'm a bit clueless about these things. I'll ask the Mother-ship - am sure she organised things when they first bought this place (I'm at home at the moment - well their home - mine will be somewhere different soon woot woot!).

Okay so I've just called Ever-so-capable Evelyn with the news and popped something out on various WhatsApp groups so hopefully no-one can get sulky that they weren't told etc. etc. She is very excited too. Well .. made all the right noises.

Anyway you will be pleased to know that I have looked at the Dashing Major's company's website. It isn't nearly as bad as you made out. I mean it is a bit plain and it needs updating but it is okay. And .... drumroll please ... I have called the Dashing Major to arrange some time for us to discuss his website. My plan was to set up a remote meeting where I could demonstrate some that I've set up from scratch and some I've revamped, send the links through, so that he could then consider options with his colleagues and we'd arrange a meeting to go through what they felt might be good for them. But he doesn't do remote meetings. I mean who doesn't do remote meetings these days? I mentioned the main platforms and how I could do the presentation from here just as well as I could do it face to face but he says he struggles with 'that kind of thing'.

Pirate what the very .....? I mean you look at him and then you meet him and you think that there would have to be something wrong with him or it wouldn't be fair - or natural. And I suppose being a little tech averse is better than being .. I don't know .. a flasher or whatever ... but doesn't he work in an industry that is full of tech? How does he manage that?

So now I'm a bit lost. I want to get things moving with the house and I should probably be here for that but then he's talking about me going down there and doing a full presentation to 'the team' and 'getting to know everyone'. I'm just zhuzhing up his website I'm not joining the payroll!

What have you got me involved in?!?


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