Oh heck - that'll teach you not to put locks on your doors, milady. But I can't imagine the Dashing Major was too embarrassed.

You want to embarrass him remind him about running naked down the corridors at the Corinthia Hotel St Petersburg. Though it wasn't called that then I don't think.
He may not have been entirely naked either thinking about it. I think he had a shoulder holster.
Aww look at me reminiscing.
Anyway things here have been going well. Mandy - can we change it to My Mandy rather than High Maintenance Mandy? Am sure you won't mind.
Anyway My Mandy has been doing okay. We're almost there with all the various elements of the fight scene. They want to refine bits. Like they do. But yeah - my girl is doing okay.
And I was right about Pops. After the first day of sitting in on the filming he'd seen enough. He was glad of the trips. He's at Niagara Falls today. He was hyped about that one. He's doing a walking tour of Kensington market and Chinatown tomorrow. I suggested some Segway tours but he was worried he wouldn't pick it up fast enough. Or fall off and injure himself.
There's a tall ship cruise trip that we're all going on. Looking forward to that one.
So it has all been going real well but now we've had a bit of drama of our own over this end. Co-star melt down. Full on.
Let's call him Colgate Colin.
He's a real jerk.
You know the kind. Chews on garlic before the big kiss scene. Counts his lines to make sure he has more than anyone else.
Which he didn't. So they had to write him a few more in.
Well if you want my opinion he's a bit too old for this part. And a bit too old to play the love interest. The age difference is bordering on seriously creepy. But I guess his name still sells tickets so here we were.
Well here My Mandy was. She's not worked with him before but she's heard rumours (rumors!). She'd given him a wide - respectful - berth. And in the spirit of keeping it friendly on set she'd not taken offence at some of the stunts he pulled.
But this scene. This fight scene. He ain't happy with it. Ain't happy that it gives her more screen time.
And if you want my opinion it also makes her look like a strong woman. More capable of holding her own than him.
He has his own stunt team. And fight co-ordinator. I think maybe he throws a punch but everything else is done by a body double. He's not in great shape so that makes sense.
Then there is My Mandy. She's doing most of the fighting. Her stunt double is just doing the really serious stuff.
And Colgate Colin is not liking that at all.
Anyway he's not even in this fight scene but he hauls his sorry ass on set a few hours into filming. He wants to talk to the director. He's not happy with this scene. It doesn't fit the story - it does. It doesn't fit her character - it does. It's making him look bad - that it does.
But like I said. The Dashing Major has created a real good routine. They want to keep it in. They love it. So they were not for listening to Colgate Colin.
So he takes a different tack. He needs a bigger fight scene. He needs to look more kick-ass than My Mandy. He will not be upstaged by a chorus girl. He's the star. He's the one bringing in the punters.
A couple of years ago that might have been true. But My Mandy has been in more recent blockbusters than this joker. He's had more flops than successes of late.
So the director is not for moving. And he wants to get on. He'll think about the suggestion of another fight scene. But right now he wants to finish this one.
Colgate Colin was dismissed. And he didn't like that at all.
So he doesn't leave the set. He grabs a seat and throws himself in it. And then precedes to make comments. Even when they start rolling the camera.
They cut. Can he be quiet? He was just making suggestions. But if they don't want the benefit of his years of experience then ... sure ... he'll be quiet. They restart. Camera starts rolling. He starts muttering again.
So they cut again. Now he is asked to leave the set. Then we get the full on Do you not know who I am? Who do you think you are? This film is nothing without me.... you get the idea. Even got in the face of the director. Not a smart move.
So security is called.
You see the thing is he's a dumbass. If you're gonna pull a stunt like that you should check how many major scenes you have left to shoot.
And he had none. They'd pretty much wrapped up his filming. Yeah there were maybe a few to tidy up but in the main he was done.
So his threats to get on the first plane back home. I reckon they were a relief to the guys here.
But it warmed my heart to see the security guys marching him off the set.
And I swear the entire crew collectively sighed with relief.
So now over to you. Update on all things Auntie Doris please, milady.