Oh I wish you all the luck in the world, milady.

And I look forward to reading more about this Auntie Doris. Hopefully she won't be as much trouble as Luscious Lydia.
Our update. Pops and I are in Canada. Courtesy of High Maintenance Mandy. And sort of work related.
They're having some issues with a fight scene so it made sense for me to fly out and see if I can sort it. Not that I needed much of an excuse.
And it's not the gun scene. My girl got that one done in just a couple of takes by all accounts.
They've added another fight scene for her. Had the Dashing Major put it together in double quick time. Nothing too complicated but that will show her off.
For the amount of time he was given it's a good routine. But she's struggling with it and the crew are struggling with her. Made sense for me to go out.
I wouldn't be surprised if she is putting it all on though. Just to get me out here. But I'm not complaining.
Anyway Pops has never been to Canada and never been on a film set. Thought it would be good for him to see something of what I do. Well the bits of what I do that I want him to see.
Mandy still has the entourage. Not sure why. Offered to put us up at where they're all staying. That was a big no way. So we're billing the company for a modest apartment. She'll come over here whilst we're over. Alone.
I've got Pops signed up to a few day trips too. Tourist stuff. After a day on the set of course. But once he sees it's as far from glitz and glam as you can get I'm sure he'll be glad of them. And get to see a bit of the city and area. It'll do him good.
We've already been out on a recon. We're nice and central. Lots of interesting places to eat not that far from us. Pops was shocked at the prices though. But I told him that's Canada. They have a lot going for them that's good but it's gotta be paid for some how.
And the people are real nice. We weren't lost but must've looked it. Folks all friendly asking if they could help. Nice change. I love New York but you wouldn't get anything like that there. Certainly not where I grew up anyway.
Yeah it really is a beautiful country. But glad we're not here in the winter. They're cold. And worse they're long. Can last up to mid-May in some places. So no fear of me moving out here. Just so that you know.
Anyway Pops has found us a Caribbean place for some food so gonna wrap it up there.
Looking forward to your update and hoping all the drama is at your end for a change.
Just kiddin'