Can you let her know that I can't wait to meet her too and I think I've fixed on her birthday present.

Oh and the will business sounds intriguing. I asked the Mother-ship whether you would need to have assets over a particular threshold to need a will but she said that wills and probate had never really been her strong point and it was likely to be different in the US anyway.
I wish I could come over a little earlier and join in with the storage unit investigation but as will hopefully be made clearer below I can't see that happening. Go ahead without me but we will definitely be able to get there before the party particularly if you need the Dashing Major for this secret something that you are not telling me about.
Speaking of whom the poor Dashing Major has not had an opportunity to draw breath let alone message you back. He has almost completely been monopolised by Father-dearest who, for some reason, has determined that the Dashing Major must be interested in all things garden and plant related.
We've been at my house most of the day and the Dashing Major and I met briefly over lunch before he was whisked away again. He is taking it very well though all things considered.
I think for the sake of his sanity it is going to be best to fly out of London then at least we have a reason to escape the parents. There is very little that I can usefully do at the house this week in any event so we'll probably head South in the next day or so. I'll send you some flight options over so you can see what might work best for you.
Suffice to say the parents have both taken to him. Obscenely quickly in my view. And if the Mother-ship tells me one more time how attractive he is and how if she were 20 years younger she would make a play for him I will vomit on her shoes. And she's started wearing make-up around the house. It's horrendous.
Thankfully she had a pre-existing date with some old chums today which should tie her up until this evening so only the one enamoured parent at my house then.
And with Father-dearest currently somewhere outside in the garden or field with the Dashing Major (I really have no idea where they are) I've been left with Reliable Rob and his merry band of men. I'm trying not to get under their feet but I keep thinking of questions and if I'm going to be away for a few days I just want to be clear in my own mind what work is happening when.
Electric Eddie and I have been going through the rooms and he's been marking up where extra sockets might go. And I've sorted out broadband and have a date for that so in theory, assuming the windows and doors are in, I could start moving some things in fairly soon. And the kitchen should be in by the time I get back from yours which is hugely exciting.
I've picked out my room and the guys say it won't be a problem to knock through to the little room next to it so that I can have an en suite. But getting that properly sorted is going to take a bit longer so they've suggested I pick another room for now if I'm going to sleep there. Although the consensus amongst the merry men is that I should get as much done by way of work and decorating and the like before I start putting furniture in. Which makes sense I suppose but does rather delay me moving in. Ho hum.
I must share with you a bit of a random observation. We'd taken a picnic for our lunch and Reliable Rob and some of the merry men came to join us with their sandwiches and things. But not Piotr the Protective. He said he wanted to stretch his legs and went for a walk. I don't know why I think it, and it is none of my business, but I suspect he didn't eat anything. I didn't see him carrying anything that could be lunch. And he didn't head in the direction of the village.
Anyway they were working quite late and I made an excuse of being peckish and I nipped into the village and there is a wonderful fish and chip shop so I got various options and brought it all back to the house. I just put it all out for everyone to help themselves and took a little myself. I had to say a few times that I would just be throwing away what didn't get eaten before I noticed Piotr the Protective take some.
Anyway there was plenty left so I asked if anyone could make use of it, if it could be warmed up, to take it or throw what wasn't taken in the bin. And it had all gone by the time their vans left. And it wasn't in the bin. I checked.
I'm hoping Piotr the Protective took it. I am a little worried about him. Did you find out anything else about him or his family?