That is overstating it a bit as I'm mainly sitting still and letting them sniff me but we have managed a bit of a run together which is apparently good progress.

But to address your update the Mother-ship had called to update me on Luscious Lydia and her bonkers Russian boyfriend. She was quite astounded that after everything that has gone on Lydia would be entertaining going to see him, and even more astounding, seeing if she can help him out. She overheard part of the conversation and Lydia was volunteering to sell the ring if that would help him but he has said that he would prefer her to put it back on her ring finger and give him a second chance. And it was that last bit that then appears to have prompted her to book a flight to Zurich.
So in true Mother-ship style she sat Luscious Lydia down and tried to talk things through. She wouldn't divulge the details but they discussed what had led to the breakup between the two of them and what assurances Luscious Lydia might need to rekindle the relationship. And whatever it was that they talked about it was the Mother-ship that came up with the term bonkers Russian boyfriend. Anyway I'm not giving him a nickname just yet until we see whether things are back on between them or not so I guess it is a case of watch this space.
Back to things here though you were so right about the wolf man. He is incredibly nice and so reassuring. When I'd got settled in we went through my entrance routine for the party and he has refined bits of it but he is confident that we can pull this off pretty much as I'd envisaged it.
Today we nipped over to the Convivial Count's place so that he could see the entrance to the ballroom (for want of a better word) and the garden outside. And he thinks the terrace will be perfect for carrying out the performance and then getting the wolves out of sight once I enter the room.
So the plan is that we spend tomorrow with the wolves over at the Convivial Count's place and try out the routine. Jovial James is going to film it from the inside so that we can see how it is going to look and of course he has his part to play in my entrance so we can practice that at the same time.
But the gym-cum-ballroom is still full of equipment and stuff. The Convivial Count hasn't been home much and was very apologetic about not having got around to clearing it. So we thought it best if, once wolf man is happy we have it all rehearsed and worked out, that I stay over at the Convivial Count's and start organising things there. I've called Techy Trevor's friends and they are happy to pop over this weekend to measure up and for us to run through things whilst actually in the space.
Oh and the band that Sultry Suki recommended, the one with her friend in it, they have confirmed the booking so that is sorted. I had a word with her friend and explained what we were hoping to achieve and he was thrilled and very much up for this. He's going to come over Saturday when Techy Trevor's friends are there so that we can look at what space they'll need and see what might be possible in terms of effects and things for them. They've got some ideas in terms of their look and vibe and he wanted to talk through their routine and playlist and things anyway.
The Convivial Count has to go down to London again on Sunday but has asked Horny Hugh and Green-fingers Gordon if they will give me a hand clearing the ballroom next week. There is a shoot on Sunday so they couldn't really be spared any earlier. But I can in the meantime start organising the room off the ballroom as it isn't currently being used for anything.
But it looks as if it will just be me and the Convivial Count's team rattling around in that place as Ever-so-capable Evelyn is currently tied up putting the last minute prep together for her exhibition stand for Venice Design Week and then obviously over there setting up and then doing whatever one does at these things. She's suggested I could go over but I'm not sure that I'll have the time. I'm a bit behind on work and there still seems to be so much to do for the party that I think my time might be best spent sorting that.
And with work in mind, once we've cleared the ballroom and got a schedule of works together, I think I might work out of my office at the facility and stay in Reading until the party. The Dashing Major is mid-project at home so says he'd find it easier to finish that off there and then he has a meeting over in Boston I think but then he'll join me at his place.
But as I'm staying down here I did wonder if that would give us a chance to have dinner together with your Pops before he heads home. Just a thought and a bit last minute so don't worry if it doesn't fit in with your plans.
Oh and before I post this, and just to go full circle on where I started with today's blog, you will recall that we invited Luscious Lydia to the party because she was at mine and we were discussing it so it seemed rude not to.
Well she has literally just pinged me her RSVP. And she wants to bring a plus one.