It's raining here. But the humidity is through the roof. Thank god for air con.

Listening to the sounds from the street. I miss that sound when I'm away. Something comforting in the noise of the traffic and sirens.
Always cars and people moving here - all times of the day and night. I like that. I guess that might seem strange to you though.
You had chance to look at that website yet? You'll understand why it needs you to sort it when you see it. As I've said before it is ****.
And "sharp, pointed harbingers of death" ? My dear Lady that was a hunting knife. I'm sure Horny Hugh and possibly the Convivial Count carry them when they are out in the fields. Never know when you need to cut some vines or stray netting or something.
Oh I realise now what you mean. Well - it's an old habit - thankfully not often needed but best to be prepared.
Anyway I'm here for a few days or so. Need to sort some things out and then heading over to CA for a few weeks to do some training sessions - general fight training - with some actor for this film the Dashing Major and co have been working on. I've not come across them before so we'll have to see how they shape up.
It's worked out quite well as I can stay with a couple of friends out that way. Let's call them Hans & Gretel Lederhosen. He's German but she's LA through and through. They're a bit hippy but in a good way. Hans Lederhosen is what you would expect from a German. Very precise and methodical. Gretel Lederhosen is super creative but a mess when it comes to organisation. He's a CEO for a big engineering company and she's a writer. Mainly TV but she's collaborated on a few films up to press. Nothing big yet but she's good so here's hoping. They've got a huge house and no kids so always happy to put me up if I'm out that way. And they're really good company so however the job pans out I know they'll make up for it.
I'd like you to meet them. In fact I've got a few interesting friends I think you'd love. We'll have to see about getting you out here.
Didn't get this finished. Things got a bit crazy. Can't put it in here but maybe when we can chat I'll explain. Anyway the Dashing Major dug me out of a hole and I'm now packing ready to fly out for this job. I'll write something longer next time. Promise.
What is the news you messaged me about? Oh and I owe him a favour (favor dammit) now so please please can you look at that website?