It had all happened so quickly and the noise of that slap. And then I was angry and yes up in her face because there was no reason for violence like that. And how dare she do that to my friend.

I'm glad she backed down because I do believe I could have been tempted to hit her back and there was nothing good that could have come from that.
Anyway, it happened. She left. We all calmed down and then we all disappeared to our rooms.
I too was hopeful that the incident could at the very least have brought those two together but no such luck.
I couldn't sleep. Anger does that to me and try as I might I could not fall asleep. So I decided to do some more cataloguing of the vast collection of books. I made a cup of tea in the kitchen first and then on to the library where I had left my laptop. I put a good couple of hours in before the door opened.
I don't think the house is haunted but there is something about that time of the night ... well early morning by that stage ... and big old houses that makes your heart jump into your mouth and your imagination run riot.
It was the Convivial Count who quickly apologised for startling me and explained that he too could not sleep. He had seen the light on and wondered who else was abroad at that time of the morning. He noticed the now empty cup and quickly offered to go make some coffee - or tea - did I want tea? - no no coffee was fine. And off he went.
He came back with a tray of coffee and bread and butter and jam. Breakfast for two.
I can really be a bit dense at times but it did not occur to me that this could be anything other than the Convivial Count being convivial. I did not see the declaration of love coming. I did not see it, want it or know what to do with it when it came. But cometh it did and I think I must have sat there like a rabbit in the headlights for what felt like an age.
I think the pause - and the no doubt slack-jawed look - said it all for him and he quickly apologised if he had upset me. And I told him not to apologise. I was flattered of course but I didn't see a romantic relationship in my near future .... blah.. blah... blushing blah.
We finished the coffee and food and I babbled on about his book collection and how my cataloguing was going and the sun came up and we both escaped to our respective rooms.
I'm not sure if there was any visible awkwardness between us but I felt awkward. To be honest I just wanted to go home but didn't want that to seem obvious. I hope I managed that at least.
Ever-so-capable Evelyn seemed to have put the evening's events behind her and was busy organising departures and making sure everyone had everything they needed. And so when my time came to leave hugs were had and promises of further weekends and we swapped numbers and promised to keep in touch.
The journey home was uneventful. Plenty of time to mull things over and replay events. I hope you don't mind me saying but I will miss our little plotting in corners and your witty observations on our companions and even wittier tales of your daring dos. Not finding the time in the chaos of everyone's departure to let you know what had happened with the Convivial Count seemed somehow to leave things unfinished. No doubt you would tell me that 'you told me so' and find it a hoot that I was left gaping like a gaping thing. But it would have been nice for us to have had a little time to ourselves to say our goodbyes but it was not to be so.
Just got your text. Glad you got back safely and yes we will have to set something up soon. In the meantime perhaps you could explain why the Dashing Major thinks I've accepted the job of sorting out his company's website. And how did he get my number?
Because Cupid, my dear Pirate, is a chubby (are you allowed to use that word these days?) cherubin with a bow and arrow not a 5ft 10 American with a lopsided grin and the air of a man who secretes sharp, pointed harbingers of death about his person.