I am so sorry to hear about your gramps. And being with him at the end says more about you, in my view, than anything about what he may or may not have deserved.

And I could do without you being quite so enthusiastic about my pickle.
On that front, I don't like leaving things in the air where misunderstandings can arise. I like to know where I stand and to be honest with people.
So I sat the Dashing Major down and we've had a chat.
He understands that I don't want to rush into anything and that I'm looking forward to the space my own house will give me and that I'm enjoying my current independence but also that I do like him and there is no-one else on the horizon.
He wanted me to understand that he wants to spend more time with me and see where this could go and that there is no-one else for him on the horizon but that he respects the fact that I'm not quite on the same page as him yet.
Writing that down doesn't feel nearly as sorted as I thought we had it. Oh pants!! Moving on.
So I've been busying myself with some maintenance on various client websites and a few updates. I've managed to get Wonderful Will's office better set out so that his virtual meetings look more professional and I've updated a few things so his systems run faster. I've started the interview with him but I think we perhaps might need to consider testimonials from previous clients. Not just for Wonderful Will - for the whole team. Techy Trevor had his shiny shooting gallery toy to plug. With the rest of you it is your own individual skills so I think we need some famous faces in there saying how brilliant you are. Which you are of course.
Speaking of which I met my first A-lister today. Very glamorous it was too. He had been working with Muscle-bound Mike and I had been thrown around the training room by Wonderful Will so we were both rather red and sweaty when we bumped into each other in the corridor on the way to the changing rooms.
I don't think we bumped so much as squelched to be honest.
Anyway we were both too busy apologising for me to register who it was.
When I was showered and changed and went to find the coffee machine he was sat in the room off reception chatting with Techy Trevor who called me over and introduced me. The A-lister was very normal and very polite and quite amusing. Seems he is over for a couple of weeks to get into shape for some film or other. Techy Trevor was telling him that I was rather good on a particular game and one thing led to another and Techy Trevor ended up producing a console from who knows where and plugging it into the arrangement in my office. So the three of us spent what was left of the afternoon playing online and we made quite a successful team.
I think I may add a settee and low table in there - make a comfortable meeting space at one end. It is certainly big enough.
Oh and the A-lister is up for recording his views and experiences of working with the team so I can use that in due course. We just need to time it so he isn't a big red, sweaty mess. His words not mine.
Then everyone else came to find us and we all went out for dinner. They really are a good bunch of people. And of course there was the now obligatory karaoke. I took your advice and didn't get up until I had consumed my third glass of wine. I'm not sure if the moves were any better but it did mean I was tempted to try a particularly challenging song. I'm not sure I got away with it but no doubt I'll be told if not.
I've been watching the Dashing Major this morning do his story boards. He uses so few lines and yet manages to convey so much movement. I find it quite mesmerising and strangely peaceful.
Anyway, it has given me an idea for something but I'm not sure I have the software to produce what is in my head. I may need to do some research on that. And yes, the Dashing Major is off to LA tomorrow for some meetings. He says he'll only be away a couple of nights.
Pirate, after all I've said above, that feels ... something .. something not good. The him going away for a couple of nights. Which is ridiculous and I think I need to give myself a good shake.
Anyway I've bought him some decent tech so that, if he wants to, we can properly video call each other rather than him use that phone he has. And some ear buds because he didn't have any. I despair.
And he's given me my own set of keys. And the use of his car so that I can get into the office.
Oh no, Pirate! - I've acquired a boyfriend haven't I?!