That cat sounds creepy as ... And there is nothing wrong with that security system - or shouldn't be. I'll check it out when I get back.

So I know I shouldn't. And it is none of my business at all. But I figured it would do no harm to see what this guy your sister is dating has been up to.
Seems while the cat's away he has been playing. And the **** is about to hit the fan as it seems he has been papped leaving a strip joint with one of the dancers. That's about to make it into at least a couple of the main gossip mags so not likely Luscious Lydia will miss it.
But I wouldn't feel too sorry for your sister. If in fact you were. Rumour has it that she has been spending some time with the boyfriend's head of security.
So Luscious Lydia may well be moving on shortly. Not with the security guy obviously. His net income wouldn't interest her.
Not sure what that will mean for her plans though. I mean she'll have to sort things out at this end. There's a rather nice condo of his that she's been decorating and rumour has it she may have put some of her own money into it. So I'm guessing she'll want some or all of that. But afterwards? You reckon she'd want to return to the UK? I'm guessing that wouldn't be good from your point of view. But if she went back to the flat in London that's far enough away, yes? Or would she stay with your parents a bit longer?
At least now you have an alternative. Now you have your office set up. And I'm sure the Dashing Major would have no problems with you rooming with him on a more regular basis. Sounds like you are fitting in there just fine. Though I guess that puts you nearer London.
Am sure you'll figure something out.
Anyway as the title may suggest things have got sorted at this end. The NYPD come in handy at times. Long story short there is a snitch. And it is handy to know who it is then you can feed them info rather than them having access to stuff you don't want them to know. It works out quite nicely. So things were organised and info was fed to the snitch who fed it to the NYPD and the new kids on the block got picked up. Seems they have some form and outstanding charges in a few states so I don't expect they'll be back any time soon.
Good job really as something else has come up that I need to shoot off to. Not literally. I've not done anything that will put me on anyone's radar. This time at least.
Gotta grab a flight. Sorry this one is so short but I'll be back soon .. honest.